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Conti Borbone

Damiano Conti Borbone was unfortunately born in Cremona in 1992.

In the years of his training he realizes he is a slacker, so he decides, after completing his high school studies, to indulge his nature by starting his own artistic career. Thanks to this choice, in fact, he continues to do nothing following in the footsteps of the his favorite artists; obviously he manages to have an excellent remuneration, in order to be able to indulge in vices such as expensive Whiskey and various and useless luxury items. Damiano, however, spends many years filing his idleness, exhibiting from time to time in various Italian cities until he gets to exhibit at

Los Angeles, but still goes unnoticed because it does not have the right funds and knowledge to establish itself or to win prestigious artistic awards. The exhibitions he organizes are in any case in their spare time, as they are ends in themselves, without organization and planning.

Chi siamo 

Damiano, attraverso la produzione delle sue opere d’arte racconta il suo mondo: alternativo, simpatico, a tratti con una vena di cinismo e di dolore. Decisamente giovanile, a tratti ironico, provocatorio ma allo stesso tempo profondo. La produzione delle opere, eseguita principalmente con colori acrili (spray e non) su tela, è accompagnata poi dall'organizzazione, che comprende un meticoloso studio di spazi e scelta di professionisti del settore, di esposizioni sia collettive che personali finalizzate alla vendita delle proprie opere. 

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